Air Button for Garbage Disposal

Do you have a garbage disposal in your kitchen? If so, you need to install an air button! An air button is a small device installed next to the garbage disposal and helps keep the air flowing. This is important because it helps prevent clogs and keeps your kitchen smelling fresh.

This blog post will discuss the benefits of using an air button and show you how to install one in your home.

Air Button for Garbage Disposal

Air Button
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An air button for garbage disposal is a small device that helps keep the air flowing to the disposal. This is important because it prevents clogs and keeps your kitchen smelling fresh. The air button is installed next to the garbage disposal and allows you to control the amount of air that flows into the disposal.

Why Do You Need an Air Button?

It would help if you had an air button for your garbage disposal for several reasons:

  1. It helps prevent clogs by keeping the air flowing. This is important because if the airflow is blocked, it can cause a build-up of food and other debris in the disposal, leading to a clog.
  2. An air button helps keep your kitchen smelling fresh by allowing air to circulate through the disposal.
  3. An air button makes it easy to turn on and off the disposal.

How a Garbage Disposal Air Button Works

The air button is a small device installed next to the garbage disposal. It has a control knob that allows you to adjust the amount of air that flows into the disposal. The air button also has a small hole in the center that allows air to escape when the disposal is turned on.

When you turn on the disposal, the air button releases a burst of air into the disposal. This helps to break up any food or debris stuck in the blades. The air also helps to keep the edges from getting too hot and melting any plastic or rubber parts.

How to Install an Air Button for Garbage Disposal

There are plenty of reasons to hire someone to install your garbage disposal switch for you, but it’s a very easy process. The two main reasons you may want to hire someone are 1) you don’t have a 120v electrical outlet under your sink or 2) you need to drill a hole in your countertop.

Many sinks have a pre-drilled hole for a soap dispenser, so installing one is simple. These holes will work well with the garbage disposal switch. If you must dig a hole in the countertop, whether owing to space constraints or other reasons, you may want to seek professional help if you’re not comfortable doing it yourself.

Step-by-Step Guide

If you have a 120v electrical outlet under your sink, follow these steps to install an air button for garbage disposal:

  • Turn off the electricity at the disposal at the circuit breaker.
  • Remove the plate on the air button and unscrew the knob.
  • Feed the wires through the hole in the air button and screw it into place.
  • Reconnect the wires to their terminals.
  • Reattach the plate and screw it into place.
  • Turn on the power to the disposal at the circuit breaker.
  • Test your air button by turning on the disposal and pressing down on the air button. The disposal should turn on and release a burst of air.

If you need to drill a hole in the countertop, follow these steps:

  • Mark the location of the air button on the countertop.
  • Drill a pilot hole at the labeled location.
  • Use a spade bit to enlarge the hole to accommodate the air button.
  • Feed the wires through the air button and screw them into place.
  • Reconnect the wires to their terminals.
  • Attach the plate and screw it into place.
  • Turn on power to the disposal at the circuit breaker.
  • Test your air button by turning the disposal and pressing the down button. The disposal should turn on and release a burst of air.

Pros and Cons of Garbage Disposal Air Button

Using an air button to start your garbage disposals has several advantages. Here are some of the benefits and drawbacks:


  • Easy to install
  • No need to access the disposal itself to turn it on, which can be difficult if it’s in a tight space
  • Can help prevent clogs by keeping air flowing through the disposal
  • Keeps your kitchen smelling fresh by allowing air to circulate
  • Makes it easy to turn the disposal on and off


  • If the air button is not installed properly, air may escape from the hole, making a noise
  • It may require an extra hole to be drilled in the countertop if there’s no existing one for a soap dispenser (this isn’t necessarily a con if you don’t mind drilling)
  • Air button can become clogged; in which case you’ll need to clean it out


An air button for garbage disposal is a great way to make your kitchen more efficient and smell fresher. It’s easy to install, doesn’t require access to the disposal itself, and can help prevent clogs.

The main drawback is that it may need an extra hole drilled in the countertop, but this isn’t necessarily a con if you don’t mind drilling. Overall, an air button is a great addition to any kitchen.


Do I need a professional to install my air button?

If you don’t have a 120v electrical outlet under your sink or if you need to drill a hole in your countertop, you may want to seek professional help. Otherwise, it’s a very easy process that most people can do themselves.

How often do I need to clean my air button?

Your air button will eventually become clogged with dirt and debris. You’ll need to clean it out every so often to keep it functioning properly. A good rule of thumb is to clean it out every few months.

Additional Contents

  1. Garbage Disposal Reset Button
  2. Coffee Grounds in a Garbage Disposal
  3. How to Wire Garbage Disposal
  4. How Much Does it Cost to Install Garbage Disposal
  5. How to Get Glass Out of Garbage Disposal