How To Recycle Old Tires [Your Guide To Tire Recycling]

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Every year, millions of used tires reach the end of their road. Disposing of them improperly can be harmful to the environment.  

Fortunately, many eco-friendly ways exist to give old tires a second life. 

This article will guide you through how to recycle old tires, exploring various options for both car and bicycle tires. 

We’ll also explore how you can turn your used tires into cash and explore some creative reuse ideas!

How To Recycle Old Tires: Different Tires and Their Recycling Options

old tires

When it comes to recycling old tires, there are several environmentally friendly options available depending on the type of tires you have. 

Here’s a breakdown of how to recycle old car tires, bicycle tires, and bike tires:

Recycling Old Car Tires

1. Tire Recycling Centers: 

Many communities have designated tire recycling centers where you can drop off your old car tires for proper disposal. 

These centers often work with recycling companies that specialize in processing tires to be reused or repurposed.

2. Tire Shops and Auto Repair Centers: 

Many tire shops and auto repair centers offer tire recycling programs.  

They typically accept used tires when you purchase new ones, eliminating the hassle of finding a separate drop-off location.

3. Check with Local Authorities: 

In some areas, local authorities organize tire collection events or provide information on where to take old tires for recycling. 

Contact your city or county waste management department to inquire about tire recycling programs in your area.

Some tire recycling facilities may have size restrictions for car tires. It’s always best to check before hauling them in.

Recycling Old Bicycle Tires

1. Bicycle Shops: 

Similar to car tire shops, many bicycle shops have dedicated programs for recycling old bicycle tires.  

They might offer a discount on new tires when you bring in your used ones.

2. Mail-in Tire Recycling Programs:  

Several companies offer mail-in programs for bicycle tire recycling.  

These programs often involve a pre-paid shipping label, making the process convenient.

3. DIY Projects: 

You can repurpose old bicycle tires for DIY projects such as garden planters, outdoor furniture, or even arts and crafts. 

There are plenty of online resources and tutorials available to inspire your creativity.

Recycle Old Bike Tires

1. Local Recycling Centers: 

Similar to car tires, local recycling centers may accept old bike tires for recycling. 

Check with your nearest recycling facility to see if they have specific guidelines for recycling bike tires.

2. Upcycling Workshops: 

Some communities or organizations host upcycling workshops where you can learn how to repurpose old bike tires into new and useful items. 

Keep an eye out for workshops in your area or consider organizing one yourself.

Recycling old tires, whether they’re from cars, bicycles, or bikes, helps reduce environmental impact and promotes resource conservation. 

In the next section, we will explore some ways that will help you make money while getting rid of your old tires.

How To Make Money Recycling Old Tires?

Recycling old tires benefits the environment and can be a lucrative opportunity to earn some extra cash. 

Here are some ways you can turn recycling old tires into a source of income:

1. Sell to Tire Retreaders: 

Tire retreading companies specialize in refurbishing old tires by adding new treads, extending their lifespan, and selling them as used tires. 

If your old tires are in decent condition with sufficient tread, you can sell them to retreaters for a reasonable price.

2. Sell Used Tires with Tread Life Remaining:  

If your old car tires have decent tread depth remaining and are in good condition, you can try selling them online marketplaces or to individual buyers.

3. Sell Scrap Tire Rubber: 

Scrap tire rubber, obtained from shredding old tires, has various industrial applications, including playground surfaces, athletic tracks, and construction materials. 

You can sell shredded tire rubber to companies that use it as a raw material in their manufacturing processes.

4. Upcycle Old Tires into Creative Products:   

With a little creativity and elbow grease, you can transform old tires into unique and saleable products like furniture, plant beds, etc.  

We will learn more about this in the next section.

Remember: Market research is key. Before investing time and effort into upcycled products, research your target market and ensure there’s demand for your creations.

Let’s explore the ways to reuse old tires in the next section.

Ways To Reuse Old Tires

dog on a tire bed

Don’t toss those old tires! With a touch of creativity, you can transform them into functional and fun additions to your home or garden:

1. Garden Planters: 

Cut old tires in half or stack them to create raised garden beds or planters. 

Fill them with soil and plants to create a colorful and environmentally friendly garden.

2. Outdoor Furniture: 

Repurpose old tires into seating options such as tire swings, ottomans, or chairs. 

Add cushions or padding for comfort and style, and enjoy your unique outdoor furniture pieces.

3. Playground Equipment: 

Use old tires to create DIY playground equipment such as tire swings, climbing structures, or obstacle courses. 

Ensure proper installation and safety measures for children’s play areas.

4. Erosion Control: 

Use old tires as erosion control barriers in landscaping projects. 

Stack them along slopes or riverbanks to prevent soil erosion and stabilize the terrain effectively.

5. Livestock Feeders: 

Cut old tires into troughs or feeders for livestock animals like goats, sheep, or horses. 

They provide durable and cost-effective feeding solutions for agricultural operations.

6. Road Safety Barriers: 

Repurpose old tires as road safety barriers or bumpers in parking lots, construction sites, or temporary traffic control zones. 

Their flexibility and durability make them ideal for absorbing impact and reducing vehicle damage.

These are just a few creative ways to reuse old tires and give them a new purpose beyond their original use. 

With some imagination and DIY skills, you can transform old tires into practical, decorative, and environmentally friendly solutions for various projects.


Recycling old tires is not only beneficial for the environment but also offers opportunities for creativity and resourcefulness. 

Whether through proper recycling methods, repurposing into useful items, or exploring innovative business ventures, there are numerous ways to give old tires a new life. 

By choosing responsible disposal options and embracing the concept of reuse, we can all play a part in reducing waste and preserving our planet for future generations.


How is rubber recyclable?

Rubber is recyclable through processes such as shredding, grinding, and melting.
These methods break down used rubber into smaller particles, which can then be molded or repurposed into new products such as playground surfaces, athletic tracks, or rubberized asphalt.

What is tire-derived fuel used for?

Tire-derived fuel (TDF) is a fuel derived from shredded or processed tires.
It is used as an alternative to fossil fuels in various industries, including cement kilns, pulp and paper mills, and power plants.
TDF produces more energy than coal and helps reduce the demand for non-renewable resources.

What are tires made of?

Tires are typically made of rubber, both natural and synthetic, which provides flexibility and durability.
They also contain other materials such as fabric (polyester, nylon) for reinforcement, steel belts for strength, and various chemicals and additives for performance and longevity.

Who are the largest tire recycling companies?

Some of the largest tire recycling companies globally include Liberty Tire Recycling, Genan, and Lakin Tire.
These companies specialize in collecting, processing, and repurposing used tires on a large scale, contributing to environmental sustainability and resource conservation efforts.

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