How to Dispose of Brita Filters [3 Best Ways]

Do you have a Brita water filter? If so, you must know how to dispose of the filters properly. Many people don’t realize that they can’t just throw them in the trash – specific steps need to be followed.

This blog post will discuss how to dispose of Brita filters properly. Stay safe and protect the environment by following these simple steps!

Brita Filters
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Brita is a water filter company that produces pitchers, bottles, and faucet filters. The most common type of Brita filter is the pitcher filter. These filters typically last for about 40 gallons or two months before they need to be replaced. 

Are Brita Water Filters Recyclable?

Yes, Brita water filters are recyclable. Brita has partnered with TerraCycle, a company that specializes in recycling difficult-to-recycle materials, to create a recycling program for their filters. The program allows users to collect used Brita filters and send them to TerraCycle for recycling.

The filters are broken down into their individual components, such as plastic and activated carbon, which can be recycled or reused in other products. This program is a great way to reduce waste and ensure that the materials in Brita filters are properly disposed of or repurposed.

Ways to Dispose of Brita Filters

Filters from Brita have a limited lifespan. Even Brita says that you should use them for only two months at a time. So, what can you do with your old filters? We’ve made some of the suggested choices to help you eliminate your filter.

1. Recycle

Recycling your Brita filter is the greenest, most cost-effective, and least hazardous option. Brita works with TerraCycle to recycle their goods.

When you recycle your stuff, they give you bonuses and rewards. Nothing should prevent you from putting up your filter for recycling with these incentives.

2. Donate to Plastic Producers

If you don’t want to recycle your Brita filter but still need to get rid of it, consider donating it. Plastic producers can harm the filters when they are put up for collection.

The materials produced as a result of this method may be utilized to manufacture other items.

3. Trash It

The last option for your Brita filter is to toss it in the garbage. While this isn’t always the best solution, you may properly dispose of your filters in several ways.

Put your filter in a plastic bag and seal it off before placing it in your garbage can to prevent pollutants from getting into other things.

Step-by-Step Process to Recycle Brita Filters

Now that you know you can recycle your Brita filters, there are several options for doing so. You may drop it off at TerraCycle or send it to a local recycling facility.

We’ll show you how to recycle in easy steps, whether you send it to TerraCycle or a local plant.

The first step is to set your Brita filter aside for recycling. This procedure involves executing a few measures to ensure that the filter may be easily recycled.

The following are the steps you should take while preparing your Brita filter for recycling.

1. Dry Your Brita Filter for 3-6 Days

The first step in recycling your Brita filter is to allow it to dry before removing it. Clean your filter with water before removing it. After that, please leave it in free space for three days to dry completely. You may leave your filter out for around 6 days to ensure it is completely dry.

It’s also not a good idea to hand dry your filter. Aside from the problem of inserting your arm into your filter, it’s also not safe. Your filter is filled with pollutants you should not touch with your bare hands.

2. Clean Off Dirt or Mud from Your Filter

Use a clean, dry fabric to clean the surface of your filter. Wiping dust and muck from the filter will help keep its pollutants out of other materials during recycling.

Don’t use a wet cloth to avoid causing your filter to get damp again.

3. Put Your Brita Filter in a Plastic Bag

The filter is to be cleaned after each use. Please ensure no more dirt reaches your filter by putting it in a plastic bag. It will help if you put multiple filters in separate plastic bags to prevent cross-contamination.

Also, ensure you secure the opening of the plastic bag you’re using rather than tying a knot inside it.

4. Send Your Brita Filter to TerraCycle

The next stage is to recycle your filter. We recommend you recycle your filters through Brita or TerraCycle’s recycling program. You may get rewards from Brita if you recycle your filters with TerraCycle.

Are Brita Filters Biodegradable?

Knowing how to dispose of your Brita filters properly is important because they’re not biodegradable. It can take years for a Brita filter to decompose, and it will release harmful chemicals into the environment as it does so.

Brita filters are made of polypropylene, which is a kind of plastic. Much like many petroleum-based plastics, processed petrochemicals are used to make this material. Polypropylene, like several petroleum-derived plastics, is not entirely biodegradable.

What are Brita Products Recycled Into?

Brita products, which are primarily water filtration pitchers and filters, can be recycled into various products depending on the recycling facilities available in the area.

The plastic components of Brita products, such as the pitchers and filter casings, are typically made of either polypropylene (PP) or polycarbonate (PC) plastic. PP and PC plastics can be recycled into a variety of products such as car parts, plastic containers, toys, and even textiles.

The filter media used in Brita products, which typically consists of activated carbon and ion-exchange resin, cannot be recycled through regular municipal recycling programs. However, some companies offer mail-in recycling programs specifically for Brita filters. The recycled filter materials can then be repurposed for uses such as composite lumber and plastic pallets.

It is important to note that the recycling process for Brita products may vary by region and recycling facility. Consumers can check with their local recycling programs or with Brita directly to determine the best way to recycle their Brita products.


We hope this article has helped you understand how to dispose of Brita filters. While recycling is the best option for disposing of your filter, other options are available if you can’t recycle it. Don’t forget to clean and dry your filter before disposing of it properly. Thanks for reading!


How often should I change my Brita filter?

You should change your Brita filter every 40 gallons or approximately two months.

Can I hand-dry my Brita filter?

No, you should not hand-dry your Brita filter because it’s filled with pollutants that can be harmful if they come into contact with your skin. Instead, allow the filter to air dry for three to six days.

What do I do if my Brita filter is still wet?

If your Brita filter is still wet, you should dry it for three to six days before recycling it. You may also put it in a plastic bag to prevent contaminants from spreading.

Can you put Brita filters in the recycle bin?

Most water filters cannot be recycled and should be disposed of in the green rubbish bin. However, Brita-branded water filters can be recycled at certain retail locations such as Argos, Robert Dyas, and Homebase, where special boxes are provided for their collection.

What happens to old Brita filters?

Brita filters can be sent to TerraCycle for recycling through the national recycling program implemented by Brita Corporation. The program allows customers to ship their used filters to TerraCycle for free recycling.

How do you store a used Brita filter?

After removing the filter from the bottle or pitcher, it is advisable to allow it to dry out for a few hours on a paper towel or kitchen cloth.

Subsequently, you may store it in a cool and dry place using a zip lock bag or refrigerate it.

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