Bacon, that much-loved breakfast treat with its delicious smoky taste, also comes with a greasy side. It leaves behind something valuable – bacon grease. This golden liquid can be a bit tricky to deal with if you’re not careful. 

In this guide, we’ll take you through the whole process of handling bacon grease, from how it affects the environment to the best ways to store it and even how to use it in your cooking.

But before we dive into all of that, let’s first explore the impact of bacon grease on our environment.

Bacon Grease & Its Impact On the Environment

Bacon Grease
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Improper disposal of bacon grease can have severe consequences for the natural world. When we pour bacon grease down the drain, it might seem like a convenient way to get rid of it, but this seemingly harmless act can lead to a host of issues. 

The grease can cool and harden within the pipes, gradually blocking them, akin to a traffic jam on a busy road. This can result in sewage backups, plumbing repairs, and added stress on our wastewater systems. 

Additionally, tossing bacon grease into the trash may seem like an easy solution, but it can inadvertently draw wildlife to the garbage, causing messes and potential harm to animals.

Furthermore, when bacon grease ends up in landfills, it contributes to environmental problems by making waste management more challenging.

Bacon grease is undoubtedly a delightful and versatile cooking fat, enhancing the flavours of our dishes. However, it’s crucial to handle it responsibly to prevent environmental damage.

Pouring bacon grease down the drain can lead to pipe clogs and sewage issues, while disposal in the trash might attract wildlife and complicate landfill management. 

In addition to these problems, when bacon grease enters storm drains, it can ultimately make its way into our waterways, polluting rivers, lakes, and oceans. 

The responsible management of this savoury substance is not only about preserving our environment but also about avoiding the inconveniences and expenses associated with clogged pipes and sewage backups. 

So, let’s explore eco-friendly ways to deal with bacon grease, ensuring that our delicious culinary adventures do not come at the expense of our planet’s well-being.

How to Store Bacon Grease For Future Use?

If you want to keep your bacon grease for future cooking, here’s how to do it safely:

1. Strain the Grease

Straining the bacon grease is a crucial part of keeping it in top shape for your future cooking adventures. After you’ve wrapped up your bacon-making masterpiece, it’s time to separate the liquid grease from any solid bits, like those crispy remnants that remain.

You can do this with a fine-mesh sieve or even a simple coffee filter. This process ensures that what goes into storage is a clean, smooth liquid. Why does this matter? 

Well, it not only stops the grease from developing any weird tastes but also stretches out its shelf life, making it a dependable and flavorful addition to your kitchen for months to come.

So, make sure not to skip this step – it’s the key to preserving your bacon grease in excellent condition for all your upcoming cooking endeavours.

 2. Cool the Grease

It’s essential to allow the hot bacon grease to cool completely before moving on to the next steps. Hot grease can be hazardous, causing burns if it comes into contact with your skin, and it can also harm plastic containers. 

To ensure safe handling and storage, be patient and let the grease cool down. This step not only protects you from potential accidents but also safeguards the quality of the grease for future use. 

By allowing it to reach a safe temperature, you’re setting the stage for a hassle-free and secure storage process that ensures your bacon essence remains in perfect condition.

3. Select an Airtight Container

When it comes to storing bacon grease, your choice of container plays a crucial role. Opt for a container that you can seal tightly to prevent air from getting in.

Glass jars and metal cans are excellent choices because they can handle the heat of the grease without any issues.

Using an airtight container serves a dual purpose: it keeps the grease fresh for longer and prevents it from absorbing unwanted flavours and odours from other items in your refrigerator or freezer. 

This ensures that your stored bacon essence remains untainted and ready to enhance the flavours of your future meals without any unpleasant surprises.

4. Label the Container

After transferring your bacon grease to the airtight container, it’s a wise practice to label it with important information. Include the date when you stored the grease and a clear indication of its contents. 

This labelling helps you keep track of how old the grease is, ensuring you use it within its recommended timeframe. Typically, bacon grease can be safely stored in the refrigerator for up to three months and in the freezer for up to six months. 

Labelling not only prevents any confusion but also ensures that you enjoy the freshest and most flavorful bacon essence in your future culinary creations. It’s a simple step that goes a long way in maintaining the quality of your stored grease.

Additional Tips for Storing Bacon Grease

1. Refrigerator Storage

If you intend to keep your bacon grease in the refrigerator, consider using a smaller container that’s easy to remove. 

This practical tip prevents the grease from solidifying into a block, which can make it challenging to scoop out when you need it. With a smaller container, you can easily access and use the grease without any fuss.

2. Freezer Storage

For those looking to store bacon grease in the freezer, there’s a handy trick. Freeze it in small portions using methods like ice cube trays or silicone moulds. 

This approach divides the grease into manageable portions, making it convenient to thaw and use only the amount you need at any given time.

3. Fat Separator Option

If you’re a frequent bacon cook and want to store a larger quantity of bacon grease, you might consider using a fat separator. This specialized container allows you to effortlessly separate the grease from the liquid part after cooking. 

It’s a fantastic choice for those who regularly enjoy bacon and wish to store a more substantial supply of grease for future use.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your bacon grease remains fresh and accessible for an extended period.

Whether you’re planning to enhance your cooking with its delectable flavour or use it for seasoning your stored bacon grease will always be at your culinary service, adding a savoury twist to your dishes for months to come.

Now that you’ve learned how to safely store bacon grease for later use, let’s move on to our next topic: how to properly dispose of bacon grease.

Ways to Dispose of Bacon Grease

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1. Allow It to Cool

Once you’re done cooking your bacon, switch off the stove or oven and give the bacon grease some time to cool down in the pan. 

Hot grease can be dangerous and cause burns, so it’s important to let it cool before you do anything with it. So, be patient and make sure it’s safe to handle before moving on to the next steps.

2. Strain the Grease

After letting the bacon grease cool down, the next step is to separate the smooth, liquid part from any crispy bacon fragments. You can do this using a fine mesh strainer or even a regular coffee filter. 

This helps ensure that the grease is free from any remaining bacon bits, making it cleaner and easier to handle during disposal. This step ensures that you’re left with pure bacon grease, ready for the next part of the process.

3. Choose a Container

Once your bacon grease has cooled and been strained, it’s time to put it into a safe container. It’s essential to pick a container that can handle the heat of the grease without any issues. A good choice is a metal can or a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. 

These options are heat-resistant and help keep the grease secure, making it easy to store or dispose of without any mess or risk of spills.

4. Pour Carefully

With your heat-resistant container in hand, it’s time to transfer the cooled and strained bacon grease into it. Be very gentle when you pour to avoid any spills or splashes. 

It’s crucial to be cautious during this step because hot grease can cause accidents, including burns. So, take your time and ensure a smooth and safe transfer of the grease into the container, without any mess or potential harm.

5. Dispose Responsibly

Now that you’ve successfully collected your bacon grease in a container, it’s time to think about how to get rid of it in an environmentally friendly way. Here are a few options to consider:

a. Trash Can: One simple and safe method is to wrap the container in a plastic bag and place it in the regular trash. This ensures that the grease won’t cause any issues when it comes to waste disposal.

b. Recycle It: In some regions, there are recycling programs that accept used cooking oils and greases, including bacon grease.

To find out if your local recycling centre offers this option, it’s a good idea to get in touch with them. Recycling bacon grease in this way can help reduce environmental impact.

c. Reuse: As mentioned earlier, you can also store bacon grease for future use in your cooking adventures.

This not only reduces waste but also adds a delightful savory touch to your favorite recipes, making them even more delicious. So, consider reusing bacon grease as a flavorful addition to your kitchen repertoire.

Methods for Cooking Using Bacon Grease

Bacon grease can be used to cook a variety of dishes, including:

1. Fried eggs 

If you want to make your fried eggs taste even better, bacon grease is a secret trick. Here’s how: Heat a bit of bacon grease in a frying pan on medium heat until it sizzles.

Then, crack your eggs into the pan and cook them the way you like them. The bacon grease adds a delicious, savoury flavour to the eggs and can make the edges wonderfully crispy.

2. Pancakes and waffles

When you’re making pancakes or waffles, you can switch out the usual butter or oil for bacon grease. Before pouring the pancake or waffle batter onto the hot griddle or skillet, melt a small amount of bacon grease.

This not only gives your breakfast a smoky, savoury twist but also makes your pancakes or waffles slightly crispy on the outside.

3. Roasted vegetables

If you want to make your roasted veggies taste amazing, consider using bacon grease. First, preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Then, in a bowl, toss your vegetables with a bit of melted bacon grease. This easy step enhances the flavour of your roasted vegetables, making them even more tempting and delicious.

4. Grilled meats and seafood 

Grilled meats and seafood: If you’re getting ready for a barbecue or a grilling cookout, using bacon grease can be a handy technique.

Applying a little bacon grease to your meats or seafood before grilling does two great things. It adds a smoky taste to your food and keeps it from sticking to the grill, ensuring that your grilled dishes turn out moist and packed with flavour.

5. Popcorn

If you want to give a tasty twist to the classic popcorn, try popping it in bacon grease. Here’s how: Warm up a small amount of bacon grease in a big pot over medium heat, and then toss in your popcorn kernels.

The result? Popcorn with a subtle smoky flavour and a rich, buttery taste that’s different from the usual butter or oil.

6. Pie crusts

When you’re ready to bake a pie, you can switch things up by using bacon grease instead of the usual butter or shortening in your pie crust recipe. 

This change brings a more intricate and savoury taste to your pie crust, making it a standout feature of your pie. The bacon grease adds a gentle smokiness that pairs well with both sweet and savoury fillings.

By incorporating bacon grease into these cooking methods, you can introduce a distinct and delicious dimension to your dishes, creating a delightful blend of flavours that you and your guests will savour.

Various Recycling Options for Bacon Grease

There are several ways to responsibly recycle bacon grease, even if your local community lacks a specific bacon grease recycling program.

One approach is to consider utilizing the services of a private company that specializes in collecting and recycling used cooking oil, including bacon grease. 

These companies typically have designated drop-off points where you can bring your used cooking oil, or they may offer convenient pickup services to make the process hassle-free.

To find such a private company, you can conduct an online search or reach out to your local waste management agency for guidance and recommendations.

Another option, if you have the right composting setup, is to compost your bacon grease. However, it’s worth noting that not all compost bins can effectively handle bacon grease. 

To determine if your compost bin is up to the task, you can check with your local municipality or consult your compost bin’s manufacturer for guidance.

Things To Keep In Mind 

Here are  some important considerations when it comes to working with bacon grease:

Safety: Be very careful with hot bacon grease because it can burn you. Make sure it cools down before you handle it, and be cautious when you’re pouring it to avoid any spills or splashes.

Quality: To keep your bacon grease in good condition, strain it well. This means getting rid of any leftover solid bits, like crispy bacon pieces, from the liquid grease.

This step ensures that your stored grease stays fresh and doesn’t spoil, which could make it taste bad.

Disposal: When it’s time to get rid of your bacon grease, do it in a responsible way. Don’t pour it down the drain or toilet, as it can clog your plumbing and harm the environment.

Instead, consider safer options like sealing it in a plastic bag and putting it in the trash or checking if your local recycling centre accepts used cooking oils and greases. This way, you’re taking care of the environment while keeping your kitchen clean and safe.


To sum it up, while bacon grease adds a tasty dimension to your cooking, it’s important to handle it responsibly to protect the environment. 

By following the guidelines we’ve discussed, you can relish the essence of bacon while being mindful of your environmental impact. 

So, the next time you enjoy that delicious strip of bacon, know that even the grease it leaves behind can be used thoughtfully and disposed of in an eco-friendly way.


Will water dissolve bacon grease? 

No, water won’t dissolve bacon grease. In fact, they don’t mix well because bacon grease is made up of fats, which repel water.

Instead, bacon grease can solidify in cold water, making it easier to remove from surfaces or containers.

How long is bacon grease good for? 

Bacon grease can stay good for a while if stored properly. In the refrigerator, it’s safe to use for up to three months.

In the freezer, you can keep it for up to six months. Just make sure to label the container with the date to keep track of its freshness.

Can bacon grease go in the compost? 

It’s not advisable to put bacon grease in your compost. Compost is best for things like fruit and vegetable scraps, while bacon grease can attract pests and create issues in your compost pile.

To dispose of it, consider methods like sealing it in a plastic bag and throwing it in the trash or checking with your local recycling centre if they accept used cooking oils and greases.

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